Friday, June 22, 2012


Sometimes I want the world to know how hard it is to lose weight. I think I want to throw a temper tantrum in the middle of the street sometimes and say...Hey look at me, don't you know how hard this is for me? I can't take it sometimes, I can't take that if I choose to eat one thing off my list I end up 5-10 pounds heavier in a weeks time. My body truly can't take the junk of the world on, it does not like to have the yucky food in its path, my body does the best with whole foods. I eat things like fruit, yogurt, vegetables and from time to time grains but usually they are in the form of potatoes, corn, peas and from time to time Ezekial bread. It's so hard for me to admit that I will have to eat this way for the rest of my life, but red meat even chicken at times has an adverse reaction to my body. So I have to make sure I'm getting enough protein in the other forms I eat it in. I know that this has Spiritual implications as well, I have a song that I love in it there is a verse "I'm not who I was when I took my first step, I'm clinging to the promise your not through with me yet", that has biblical connections "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it" and another verse that I love for me is where Paul is talking about spiritual food, we once ate like a baby and now we are grown and we eat more substantial food. For my soul I also do not want nor does my body want the same feeding as it took when I was first saved. I need more substantial, healthy food to make me strong and able to make it day in and day out in a world that just doesn't get me. Biblically speaking the word makes mention of testing ourselves, taking an inventory of our day, in the old testament in Joshua, God tells Joshua to meditate day and night on the book of law that God had given Moses saying he would be successful if he did that. I don't believe anything changed, God still wants me to meditate day and night on His word if I want to find success, and success is God's terms not man's. This life both in reference to spiritual and physical is hard, it requires discipline, it requires me making choices that honor God and in order to do that and to get through the hard I have to spend my time with Him daily so that I am daily fed spiritually and then can be disciplined enough to get through the hard of the physical discipline of making my body the temple he wants it to be. So it's hard, I'm a complainer from time to time, I at times act like a big baby, but in the end I am fully aware of who's in charge and who's I am.