Friday, March 9, 2012

I can't believe I'm here

Here I am 10 weeks into the new weigh in year, I started this year at 229.75 and as of last night's weigh in I weigh 211, I have lost almost 19 pounds in 10 weeks. I have a goal to be at 190.5 by May 31st of this year, which would give me a 200 pound loss since November 2004, with the program I work with for my weight loss they honor you when you keep a 100 pound loss after you keep it off for a year.  This year at our yearly recognition I will get my 3rd recognition for the first 100 pounds, so I want to have my year anniversary the day before my 40th birthday. So I am working really hard to be at 190.5 by May 31st. I want to get off the rest of my weight by the end of the year, but just keeping off this next 100 pounds for a year will be fantastic. This week my exercise will be off so I want to make sure my food is intact. Goal for next week is only a pound, which will leave me another 19.5 pounds to lose within the next 11 weigh ins. I have to keep reminding myself how much I want this.

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