Monday, August 6, 2012


I get overwhelmed by emotions, and I get overwhelmed by the state of the world I live in.  Even in my studies of education I discover how selfish we can be. I am so often put in a tail spin of emotions because I think someone has dismissed me, is uninterested in my life or has forgotten me, that I get into this poor me attitude. The truth is I have found something that is so Amazing, so wonderful, I have found a compassionate, loving, grace-giving, mercy-offered, Savior and that should be something that consistently floods my mind. I have a new mantra (it may seem silly) that I am learning to use in moments of distress and selfishness, first the human side of the mantra, I will not analyze, project or predict every situation in my life, and then the Christ side of my world is to focus on praying for someone like me. I know that I am not the only one out there that gets preoccupied in their own feelings that they lose sight of the importance of life. I know people that spend their days trying to help someone else, that wake up each morning looking forward to what the day holds for them.

I don't want to be selfish or self-serving I want to be more like Christ, I want to be able to seek out ways in which I can honor Christ in the way I live each day. I want to change my focus from the external to the ETERNAL side of life.

This is who I want to be...

Embraced by Grace and Humbled by Mercy!
Stephanie Stephan

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