Saturday, April 25, 2020


We are throughout the Word of God able to see God's intense love for us, his understanding of who we are as people, he loved us so much that He sent his only son to die for us so that we might live forever with him. However another way that I can grasp His love for us and His understanding of us His creation is through family, from the very creation of our existence God understood that we needed family. In Genesis, God created Adam, who had a relationship with His creator, Adam could have conversations with God, and yet God saw that it was not good for man to be alone, and God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and from him created Eve, thus creating the first husband and wife and at the same time introducing into existence family.

Family while created at its very base by God, it has forever evolved over time. Families that were originally intended to be one thing by the very nature of sin changed.   Because of the original sin we are never able to truly see what God would have done for Adam and Eve, what we see instead is what family became. God required that Eve suffer as she would become a mother, there would be strife and toil in families. If you look at the story of Cain and Abel we see how two brothers who wanted God to favor them fought with each other, when God chooses Abel's gift over Cain's, Cain becomes jealous and angry and kills his own brother. This creates heartache, secrets and hardship. Family is still an institute God created but because of sin families no longer look the way God intended. I believe that God meant for families to be unified, to serve under Him. However as a fallen world too many have decided what family can look like. And while I believe that family isn't always those born into your family but those you choose to be with, I also believe God has a plan for family. And with that I believe as  I look around the world I see that brokenness in families. I see families of divorce, families with single parents, families with same sex parents, abuse in families, drugs and alcohol in families, so much of what I don't believe God ever intended but with sin comes trial, comes consequence, as well as leaving God's way for man's way.  I know that there will be many who say that how can God not want families that love each other even if they aren't the traditional family, I believe God makes concessions but I also believe He has a limitation to that.  I believe that God had an intention for families, and anything outside that intention holds consequences, holds hardship, heartache and more.

Just like in the Garden of Eden, I don't believe it was God's original intention that Adam and Eve suffer for children, I believe He wanted so much more, but from their sin came families that would be born out of a consequence.  That day when we enter into Heaven, when we see Jesus face to face that is the day we will understand His true meaning of family. Until that day the families we have we must continual strive to seek Him, even when we believe we do all the right things we must remember the day that sin entered the world family took on a whole new meaning and strife entered where I don't believe God ever intended it to be. 

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