Saturday, April 25, 2020

Under construction

We are all fully aware that are bodies need food to work, we need nutrients to keep us well and to keep our bodies working at their best.  In many exercise articles or magazines they will often refer to food as fuel, which is a great view point because it truly is fuel for the body. In exercise fueling is very important to make sure that all that demands you are asking of your body can be met. It was mentioned to me that when running if all of a sudden everything begins to disturb you, your musics too loud, your clothing is bothering you, the environment is bugging you, if you just start to have an overall bad run, that its your bodies cue that it doesn't have enough fuel and you should give your body what it needs right away because its not going to fix itself. I recognize that our bodies give us cues all the time that it needs this or the other, sometimes it says I need water but we give it food, sometimes it is telling us we need rest and we give it something else, the point is this information I was given just makes sense because God has created our bodies in a way that we can hear and know when our bodies need something. However to truly understand what our bodies need we have to be listening, this same aspect of fueling transfers over into our spiritual lives, God also in His infinite wisdom created us to desire him and when we belong to Him we are able to hear him more clearly. Using that information about the body cues during exercise I can make that cross over into my spiritual walk. If I am out for the day and begin to notice that I am getting agitated easily, that I am getting frustrated at simple things or it just all seems particularly hard, this is a moment when I can step back and look at how my day began. In my spiritual body my fuel comes from reading God's word and talking to God and when my day seems to just be a bit off I can always fuel my spiritual body more with God. God also instructs us how to be with others

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