Monday, October 1, 2012


Blessings are a huge part of my life and I feel immensely grateful for all that I have and believe I should take more opportunities to state out loud what I'm grateful for. My life in Christ has enabled me things I didn't have before a true commitment to Him, I have Peace in times where Peace seems to not be found by others. I have Joy, I have unwavering belief that Jesus died for me and that He is coming back one day to get me. On top of all those things that are offered to all that believe in Him, He has walked with me through some truly rough and dark paths, He was there when my first husband died, when I had to leave my second marriage, He was with me when I was walking through a dessert land as a single mom of two children who had just lost their father. God has never left my side, I have been blessed with two beautiful children, with a beautiful home in a nice neighborhood, friends and family that love me. I have a good job that I love doing, I have finished school and am on my way to having a profession not just a job. God has taken care of me through it all, He knows me and still loves me still walks this road with me even on those days when I act like a spoiled brat and don't want to do what I'm supposed to do or go where He needs me to go. I have been surprised by unexpected blessings, amazed at how GOd shows up just in time and in Awe of how He never stops being faithful.

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