Saturday, November 10, 2012


I can't remember the last time that I was sick enough to be home for days and to really feel like staying at home. I went to bed Tuesday night feeling kind of a sore throat, woke up sounding like I swallowed a frog. Then by Thursday morning my nose was running and the cough was coming on, still went to work both days, but by Thursday night the feeling of a semi truck driving over me came on me. I called in sick for work Friday morning and then awoke Friday morning with almost no voice at all and needing just to simply stay in bed much later than I would normally stay in bed. I eventually left my bed for the respite of the couch, where I would stay for the remainder of the day. I needed rest, my body, my vocal chords and my simple being needed a moment of silence and rest. So here I am Saturday night with the full realization that tomorrow that rest will be continued. While its hard for me to miss church, at the same time this will give my body a chance for a full recovery and a chance to go back to work on Monday actually feeling revived. So I've done some school work, played some games talked to my kids and just kind of "vegged" out. The no talking for a day was actually quite difficult for me but apparently very necessary for me to have a chance of recovery today. I recognize that God calls for a day of rest because we need it, not to just keep us house bound or to give us more rules and regulations to be one of His but because He made us and He knew that rest is simply what we need. When we do not rest, our bodies physically, spiritually and mentally become weary. I know I do, I know I end up doing too much and then have to pay for it.

I am not grateful for this cold/flu or whatever it was however I am grateful that because of it I had to slow down and just rest. The very thing my body needed me most to do for it, for once I actually listened and rested. I am hopeful that this will be a lesson that I won't have to get sick to rest but that I will take the opportunity to just sit in silence from time to time and rest.

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