Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Just a 7 mile run

I recognize that for many people running 7 miles whether it's all running or a combination of running and walking, cannot fathom doing so if they haven't done it in a long time. Well my friend found out through a status update that I posted that I was going to be doing a 7 mile run and she volunteered to come out with me. When she came with me the next morning my trainer asked if she had done it before she said no but that she was up for it, when we went out she did great, however at one point to stick to my training routine I had to leave her behind, but I said I will just go up and come back, well on my way up I realized I would have to cross this major street, so instead I made a left instead of crossing over the major intersection. I never looked back to see where she was, if I had I may have realized she was coming up on me faster than I knew, anyway I thought of her for a second and thought oh I can do this quick enough that I won't miss her. I turned around and came back when I had the right amount of distance to  give me the 7 miles. I didn't see her, and as more distance passed going back to where I started I became more nervous about her having gone and crossed the street. I had decided I would just go back to my car as quick as I could to get her. Eventually as I was running back I could hear her come up from behind me. She did exactly what I was afraid of, she went over the major intersection and kept going for a while until she realized that there was no way I was that far ahead of her, so she turned around. For both of us we recognized we lost our partner and while we both just did what was the important thing to do, go back to where we started so we could look for the other, it was a scary moment to realize you don't know where your partner is. This is important in the Christian race I run too, it is important to know where my brothers and sisters are, is there ways to keep them on the path, to stay beside them, however if I need to go ahead for awhile to know where the other is, but most important to run back to the source Jesus, who will help locate and reconcile those to him that get lost. I learned a valuable lesson out there that day and I truly didn't like that feeling.

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