Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mirror Mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall what do you see? 4 years ago, I looked at the mirror and asked that question, and while my mirror didn't talk back to me like Snow White's evil stepmothers did, I recognized I didn't like what I was looking at. I saw a woman that was sad, angry and frustrated with who she was, I was 370 pounds, divorced raising two kids on my own and completely lost. I lived to go to work, eat and sleep, that was my life in March 2008 before I began my journey to a better me. That day everything changed for me, I didn't like the story the mirror showed me. I had overcome being a widow, living through an abusive marriage and taking care of myself and my kids financially on my own, I had moved into my own place and was taking care of the necessities of life but it wasn't enough. It was time for me to make more changes, I needed to make health a priority, I had to become more than just an existence but to really live. So that day I made some huge changes I became part of a 12 step group for food addiction, found a sponsor and made a determination to do things differently, I surrendered to God, I decided He had to know better than me. Nothing and I mean nothing has been the same since that day 4 years ago.

Mirror Mirror on the wall what do you see? I see a woman who has lost 200 pounds, who has run 3 half marathons, who regularly exercises and runs, who is 4 weeks away from a college degree, 4 weeks away from a 2nd year at an elementary school, I see a woman who has believed that God is all she needs and is the strength to get her through any situation. I see a woman that is for the first time willing to face her fears one by one, a woman to do challenging things including training for a full marathon right before she turns 40 years old. I see a woman that truly believes what Ephesians 3:20 says, that God truly does things that are more than we ever expected.

In 4 years my entire world looks different, I am not only not the same size but the inside is filled with joy, hope and anticipation of what God has next. The journey isn't always easy, but how would I ever know how strong my God is if it was always easy. I have embraced challenges and in the process discovered a woman that I am proud to look in the mirror and see. Because I no longer see me, but Christ who lives in me.

Mirror mirror on the wall, I hope you always see the Stephanie God wants me to be, no less!

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